Cervical screening
Cervical screening in the process of detecting abnormal tissue or cells in the cervix before cervical cancer developes .By aiming to detect cervical neoplasia early on , cervical screening aims at secondary prevention of cervical cancer
1st trimester screening
First trimester screening is a prenatal test that offer early information about a baby`s risk of certain chromosome conditions specifically ,down syndrome (trisomy 21) and extra sequences of chromosome 18 (trisomy 18). Not only chromosomal abnormality ,we can also detect many structure abnormalities at in this scan.First trimester screening also called the first trimester combined test , has two steps :
A blood test to measure levels of two pregnancy specific substance in the mother`s blood –pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
An ultrasound exam to measure the sizes of the clear space in the tissue at the back of the baby`s neck (Nuchal translucency)

First trimester screening may include
USG test for fetal nuchal translucency (NT). This test uses USG to look at the back of baby `s neck. It checks for increased fluid of skin thickening .These might mean a defect.
Blood test . The blood tests measure 2 substance found in the blood of all pregnant women.pregnancy associated plasma protein –A (PAPP-A) . This protein is made by the placenta in early pregnancy.Abnormal level could mean an increased risk for a chromosome defect.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) . This hormone is made by the placenta in early pregnancy .Abnormal level could mean an increased risk for a chromosome defect.
Cell free fetal DNA screening.This test the baby`s DNA that is in your blood .It checks for certain abnormal chromosomes .It can also checks fro defect in the fetal sex chromosomes(X or Y).Cell free fetal DNA screening does not find structural birth defects , such as spinal bifida or defects in the abdominal wall.
You may need more testing for diagnosis .This may include chorionic villus sampling ,amniocentesis,or another ultrasound.
Amniocentasis & CVS
That is the amniocetasis & CVS that will not only confirm the screen positive patients but also till whole genetic make up of whole a person.
Till now , in our area there were no genetic testing available but for first time in sirsa district we are now not only providing genetic testing but also whole come selling concerned with it.
Specialized twin pregnancy clinic
Our unique twin pregnancy clinic offers you personalized services if you are pregnant with 2 or more babies.
Knowing you are having more than one baby can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. We are as concerned as you are about your health and the health of your babies .That`s why our twin pregnancy clinic offers you genetic counseling ,fetal imaging and nutritional guidance during the most crucial time of development.
How does twin pregnancy occur?
When two sperms fertilized two eggs, two embryos are formed who have their own placentas (afterbirth ).These non identical or fraternal twin constitute 80 percent of twin pregnancies and are called dichorionic, diamniotic (DCDA) twins.When one sperm fertilizes an egg which devides into two later on identical twins or monochorionic twins are formed .These are rarer variety where the twins are of the same sex have the same gentic make up and share the same.

Twin and higher order pregnancies have increased in occurrence over the years and are fairly common today. This shift is attributed to two main factors : increase in average maternal age and the advent of various assisted reproductive therapies ,such as in vitro fetilisation (IVF).The odds of conceiving twins are higher for women over te age of 35,as well as for women ingesting ovulation inducing drugs or undergoing fertility treatments such as IVF.Twin pregnancies present increased chances of fetal and maternal complications thus such pregnancies are considerd high risk worthly of special attention and care. The twin clinic is a specialized facility singularly devoted to higher order pregnancies.
HOW USG IN IMP IN TWIN: From differentiate monochorionic twin & diachorionic twin to complication related to them usg diagnose it all.
It is not important in diagnosing but also in treatment part ,as when & how to deliver the patients.
It helps in close watch of twin pregnancy in developing complications likes , TTTS, TAPS , TRAP & selective IUGR and most important here we councel the in what to do next.
ICT positive patient
In ICT positive patient we council the patient about when & how to start with USG follow and we regularly follow up with MCA dopplers to for detect the anaemic fetus as soon as possible and also in treatment part soon intrauterine wood intrauterine will be and how usg is important in twins .
Fetal echocardiography:only centre to do it
Fetal echocardiography is a test similar to an USG.This exam allows your doctors to better see the structure and function of your unborn child`s heart .Its typically done in the second trimester , between weeks 18 to 24 weeks.

Fetal viability scan 6-10 weeks
Viability scan.This is an ultrasound examination that usually carried out vaginally at 6-10 weeks of pregnancy .The aims of this scan are to determine the number of embroyes present and whether the pregnancy is progressing normally inside the uterus.
For many prospective parents there is an agonizing long wait between getting a positive pregnancy test and actually seeing their baby for the first time at the routine 12 weeks scan .But you don’t have to wait –a scan at beard mill.Clinic can show you your baby from as early as 6 weeks and through those difficult first few month.
Fetal well being scan 24 to 42 weeks
Some obstetrical advise that an USG scan to assess fetal well being is offered to all women at about 30-32 weeks of pregnancy .other reserve such scan s for those woman who have had previous complications of pregnancies such as pre-eclampsia,growth retardation diabetics,stillbirth and for those and for those women who develop an abnormality during the course of their current pregnancy.
3rd Trimester scan
It is important not only to watch for growth ,weight & amniotic fluid but also there are multiple anomalies which develop later in gestational age.To look for those anomalies and to see for brain development , migration and sulcation disorders.3rd trimester scans are very important also to see for IUGR babies, to regulate the balance between perinatal mortality chances due to IUGR and neonatal fetal distress .We need constant & regular follow up scan & plan delivery accordingly.

Doppler scan
Doppler are a essential part of 3rd trimester scan, with helps of dopplers we don’t only diagnose the IUGR babies but also plan treatment & delivery accordingly.
Also dopplers in ist trimester helps to screen patient & high risk for pre eclampsia.

Detailed anomaly scan 18-23 weeks
This detailed scan done at 18-23 weeks during which each part of the fetal anatomy is examined to see if the baby is developing normally .Special attention is paid to the brain ,face, spine, heart ,stomch ,bowel , kidneys &limbs.
If any abnormalities are detected the significance of the finding will be dusccussed and the couple will be given the opportunity to have further counseling with a fetal medicine consultant .
Why have a fetal anomaly scan ?
The vast majority of babies are normal .However all women ,whatever their age have a small chance of delivering a baby with structural abnormalities that cause physical or mental limitation .Many sach abnormalities can be diagnosed and ruled out with the the fetal anomaly scan .
Is it safe ?
USG has been used for 40 yrs to monitors pregnancies .So far the evidence has been reassuring that USG is safe for mother and baby .However we think is wise to scan only when there is good reason and to use the minimum amount of sound waves based on the ALARA principle as low as reasonable achievable.
The doctor will then look at the baby`s head ,face,spine,abdominal wall ,heart stomach,kidneys,umbilical cord hands,feet,amniotic fluid in details.
Gynecologic imaging
Only female radiologist so comfortable for TVS.
High & resolution TVS probes.
3D/4D TVS imaging only available in this centre.
Breast Imaging
With 7 yrs experience of doing breast patient our centre not only diagnose the breast disease but also we have further testing available like FNAC or BIOPSY.